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per Radio programs:
They would pay you to listen to
Internet radio, which allows you to do whatever else you’d like to
do—surf the net, work, send email, write term papers, …whatever They
afford to do this because they are splitting the advertising dollars They
receive from their advertising clients worldwide with you! This represents
a fundamental change from traditional radio
Radiofreecash |
April, 2000, each time you log on to your PC, you will activate a small
Listening Bar that will be displayed, unobtrusively, below your browser.
As you listen to our music inventory, which contains over 120 genres,
We will pay you $.20 for
every hour you listen each month up to 100 hours. More importantly,
we’ll pay you for referrals that you bring to our listening community
according to the following schedule:
$.08 per hour for each
hour any person you refer listens to our player
$.04 per hour for the 2nd,3rd and 4th generation of referrals
CashRadio |
They'll pay you (USD) $.25 per hour for up to 80 hours of
your personal listening each month.
$.05 per hour for each
hour any person you refer listens to our player
$.025 per hour for the 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th generation of referrals